Submit a request

Select "Report a Bug or Outage" if Paxos International APIs or UI are unavailable or reporting errors.

If your Paxos account is for yourself or another individual, select "Individual." Otherwise, select "Institutional"

Enter the email address that is registered to your Paxos account

Enter your full name in the space provided. You can enter your full name by entering your first name and last name with a space separating. Example: "Jane Doe"

Please provide the name of the bank that you are sending funds from

Fill out the amount of the transaction that you're inquiring about in the space provided

Please provide your Account Identifier. This can be found when you are logged into your Paxos account, and by selecting “Deposit” and “USD”.

If you are a Paxos customer, please specify your Paxos account email address or entity ID.

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